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Emergency Services Contacts

911 – To report crimes in progress, fires, medical emergencies, or to reach the Sheriff’s Department, Highway Patrol, and Fire and Rescue services in an emergency situation.

916-488-2890 – To reach the Sacramento County operator to report emergency maintenance conditions in parks after office hours and on weekends. (Such a condition might be a broken water line, for instance.)

916-874-5115 – To reach the Sheriff’s Department directly to report a NON-EMERGENCY condition or situation. Incidents in parks are responded to based on priority of demands on law enforcement officers.  In addition to services provided by the County of Sacramento Sheriff’s Department.

To correspond directly by email with the Sacramento Sheriff’s in regards to patrolling our parks, email  

This is an ideal way to report trends you might notice in your neighborhood or to make law enforcement aware of situations or suspects. You can generally expect a response within 24 hours, depending on their duties and other assignments.


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