
We at Mission Oaks Recreation & Park District want to make sure that District operations and land-management practices are as earth-friendly as possible. Our Sustainability Policy urges us to set a positive conservation example and to serve as an educational resource for residents of the District who wish to reduce their impact on the environment. There are more details in the attached documents at right. If we can help you, or if you have ideas that can help us, let us know.
2015 and Beyond: Great Water Savings for Mission Oaks
Mission Oaks Recreation & Park District is proud to announce the significant contributions we have made in the area of water reduction since 2013, and the cost savings realized. Please see the details and totals in the table below for the 11 parks that we have gathered reliable data.
MORPD Water and Cost Savings in 2015 Compared to 2013 Totals*
- Based on data gathered from water districts.
- Park irrigation is monitored by MORPD’s Irrigation Technician, Dan Piper.
- Windemere Park flow meter failed in summer 2015 so data was incomplete and not included in this report.
- Our four school parks (Cowan, Del Paso Manor, Greer, and Sierra Oaks) have their water monitored by SJUSD and are not included in this report.
In this historic drought, we want you to be assured that Mission Oaks is doing everything in its power to minimize our water use without seriously affecting our programs or our parks. Over the last several years we have made significant strides in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of our irrigation system. We will continue our program of repairing leaks and investing in the most efficient and effective irrigation products and methods, and converting areas such as plant beds and hedges to drip and other low-volume irrigation wherever possible.
Our irrigation control system is programmed to shut down if a large leak or pipe break develops. No system is infallible, though, and you can help us save our resources by letting us know as soon as you can if you notice any breaks, leaks, or misdirected spray.
During the work day, call the District Office at 916-488-2810.
On weekends, evenings, and holidays, contact Sacramento County at 311, or the local water district. Either of these agencies will then in turn contact our staff immediately during non-business hours.
* Harivandi, A. M. 2009. Managing Turfgrass During Drought. Oakland: University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Publication 8395,