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Kidz Love Soccer

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Instructional soccer classes for boys and girls ages 2-10. Learn the fundamentals of soccer through our non-competitive age-appropriate format. All participants will receive a Kidz Love Soccer jersey! Kidz Love Soccer… Where the score is always Fun to Fun!



Register Here: Spring March 29 - May 17

Register Here: Summer June 14 - August 9


May contain: person, human, people, grass, plant, team sport, ball, team, soccer, soccer ball, football, sports, and sport

Mommy/Daddy & Me Soccer – (ages 2 – 3.5) – Saturdays 9:00-9:30am
Introduce yourself and your toddler to the “World’s Most Popular Game”! As you and your child participate in our fun age appropriate activities, your child will be developing their large motor skills and socialization skills. The fun happens on the field, and in Mommy/Daddy & Me Soccer, parents are part of the action, not watching from the sidelines!

Tot-Soccer – (ages 3.5 – 4) – Saturdays 9:35-10:05am
Toddlers enjoy running and kicking just like the big kids! Encourages large motor skill development through fun soccer games and introduces small children to the group setting. Shin guards are required after the first meeting.

Pre-Soccer – (ages 4 – 5) – Saturdays 10:10-10:45am
Teaches the basic techniques of the game and builds self-esteem through participation and fun soccer activities. Children learn to follow instructions in a nurturing, age appropriate environment. Shin guards are required after the first meeting.

Soccer 1: Techniques & Teamwork – (ages 5 – 6) – Saturdays 10:50-11:35am
Players will learn dribbling, passing, receiving, shooting, age-specific defense, etc. Fun skill games are played at every session, and every participant will have a ball at his or her feet. Small-sided soccer matches will be introduced gradually. Shin guards are required after the first meeting.

Soccer 2: Skillz & Scrimmages – (ages 7 – 10) – Saturdays 11:40am-12:25pm
Kidz 7-10 years of age will enjoy advanced skill building: dribbling, passing and shooting in a team play format. Each class will focus on scrimmages that emphasize application of finer technical points. All levels are welcome to come enjoy the world’s most popular game. All participants receive a Kidz Love Soccer jersey! Shin guards are required.

For class information/questions, contact Olly at 408-774-4615 or


Kidz Love Soccer directly at 1-888-277-9542

KLS Rain-out Hotline:


Receive cancellation notifications automatically on your smartphone with the free Kidz Love Soccer
mobile app for iPhone and Android.


Shelfield Park
1849 Suffolk Way
Carmichael, CA


Day: Saturdays


$160 per session

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